Hamilton claims fresh Mercedes snub as F1 rival throws down Ferrari warning – GPFans F1 Recap

Hamilton claims fresh Mercedes snub as F1 rival throws down Ferrari warning - GPFans F1 Recap

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Hamilton claims fresh Mercedes snub as F1 rival throws down Ferrari warning – GPFans F1 Recap

Lewis Hamilton has suggested that favoritism might be the cause of his qualifying performance being lower than that of his Mercedes teammate George Russell. Hamilton implies that there could be a bias within the team that is affecting his results on the track. This statement raises questions about the fairness and transparency within the Mercedes Formula 1 team. Hamilton’s comments hint at potential internal issues that may be impacting the team dynamics and performance. It will be interesting to see how Mercedes responds to these insinuations and what actions, if any, will be taken to address the situation. Hamilton’s remarks shed light on the complexities and challenges that can arise within professional racing teams.

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