Unveiling the Futuristic Peugeot ‘Spaceship’: A Jaw-Dropping Moment for an F1 Legend

Unveiling the Futuristic Peugeot ‘Spaceship’: A Jaw-Dropping Moment for an F1 Legend

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Friday favourite: The Peugeot "spaceship" that wowed an F1 veteran

Christian Klien considers the Peugeot 908 to be his favorite racing car, despite only participating in five race outings with it. His sole win in the car was at the 2009 Spa 1000km when Audi did not compete. Klien praises the car’s speed, power, and downforce, particularly enjoying driving it at Le Mans. However, clashes with his Formula 1 commitments limited his opportunities to race the 908. Klien’s first competitive outing with the car was at the 2008 Le Mans 24 Hours, where he finished third after encountering various setbacks. Although Klien finds his first podium in years gratifying, he also acknowledges the challenges of achieving such a result. He particularly enjoyed the race at Le Mans for its overtaking opportunities and the experience of standing on the podium for a 24-hour race. In his second outing in the 908 at Petit Le Mans, he was overtaken by Audi’s Allan McNish, who took advantage of fresher tires in the closing stages of the race. Despite this, Klien appreciates the opportunity to debrief with his race engineer in a quiet car.

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