Revolutionizing Motorcycle Racing: Will the New WorldSBK Combined Weight Regulation Pave the Way for Change in MotoGP?

Revolutionizing Motorcycle Racing: Will the New WorldSBK Combined Weight Regulation Pave the Way for Change in MotoGP?

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WorldSBK’s move to a combined rider and bike minimum weight for 2024 leaves the premier MotoGP class isolated.

Bigger MotoGP riders have long argued that the lack of a combined weight gives an unfair advantage to smaller riders in terms of acceleration, top speed, and tire wear. However, smaller riders face disadvantages during hard braking and in generating tire heat. To address this issue, WorldSBK has imposed a minimum bike weight and a new rider reference weight, requiring lighter riders to carry ballast. It is expected that some riders will need to add weight to their machines. The impact of this weight change will be closely watched, as it may influence future changes in MotoGP. The difference in height and weight among MotoGP riders has decreased in recent years, but without a combined weight, bigger riders may be overlooked. There is a risk of going too far the other way, where smaller riders become overly disadvantaged, but it is generally easier for them to gain weight and muscle.

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