Horner’s Assurance: Red Bull’s Wealth of Choices and Perez’s Safety Amidst Intense P2 Battle

Horner’s Assurance: Red Bull’s Wealth of Choices and Perez’s Safety Amidst Intense P2 Battle

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Christian Horner has reiterated that there’s no “pre-mandate” in place that will see Sergio Perez lose his drive with Red Bull for 2024 if he misses out on second in the F1 drivers’ championship.

Sergio Perez is currently leading Lewis Hamilton by 39 points in the drivers’ standings, with only four rounds left. Perez’s second place position was further secured after Hamilton’s disqualification at the Circuit of the Americas. Despite media pressure and rumors, Red Bull team principal Christian Horner has downplayed any plans to replace Perez if he doesn’t maintain his position. Horner emphasized that there is no pre-determined mandate stating that Perez must finish second or else he won’t be driving for the team next year. Looking ahead to 2025, Horner acknowledged that Red Bull will have plenty of options to consider for the seat.

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Source: Crash

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