“High Drama on the Racetrack: Porsche Dominates as BMW Faces Bizarre Pit Lane Crash – In-depth Coverage of the 4-Hour Race”

“High Drama on the Racetrack: Porsche Dominates as BMW Faces Bizarre Pit Lane Crash - In-depth Coverage of the 4-Hour Race”

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Porsche boast a one-two four hours into the 63rd running of the Daytona 24 Hours, held at the iconic Daytona International Speedway.

Porsche Penske secured a one-two finish in the 2025 Daytona 24 Hours after a thrilling first four hours of the race. The #24 BMW started strong from pole position, but a pit lane incident dropped them to P10 temporarily. Porsche’s steady performance allowed the #7 car to take the lead by the four-hour mark. The #6 Porsche Penske car made an impressive climb from 10th to second place in the GTP class. In the LMP2 category, the #99 AO Racing car led the pack with the #2 United Autosports car recovering well after an early setback. Ford dominated the GTD Pro class with a #64 and #65 one-two, while the #27 Heart of Racing Team Aston Martin led the GTD class. Overall, the first four hours of the race showcased exciting battles across all classes.

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